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Interstate or Intrastate Operating Authority

Are you planning to embark on a new trucking company? Have you decided what and where you want to haul? If so, that’s great. Now you need to get appropriate licensing and registration before start hauling your first load. However, most trucking business owners often get confused between trucking regulations i.e., Interstate Operating Authority and Intrastate Operating Authority. In this blog, we are going to steer clear of your doubts.

Interstate Operating Authority

Interstate operating authority is required by those companies that haul loads across state or national borders or haul someone else’s property for a profit. However, if your company runs under these two criteria, you still may or may not need to get interstate operating authority due to some exceptions. For instance, if you haul your own property across state borders, then you probably don’t require interstate operating authority.

Intrastate Operating Authority

On the other hand, companies that prefer to haul only in one state are more likely to require intrastate operating authority. Such companies still need proper registration, such as a DOT Number, which you can get with the help of Global Multi Services.

Though some companies make a profit while running intrastate, you could be missing out on lucrative opportunities with huge loads that go through multiple states.

Difference Between Operating Authority and DOT Number

A DOT Number is like your driver’s license number while operating authority or MC Number is an extra registration step to run your business in more than one state. We have thoroughly covered the difference between a DOT Number and an MC Number in this blog post.

How You Can Get Started

Getting an operating authority requires a lot of paperwork, which further needs time and attention to detail. The experts at Global Multi Services can help you register for the operating authority that suits the best to your trucking business. If you want to get in-depth information about how we can add value, feel free to approach us at +1 (209) 982-9996.