
Oregon Filing /


When it comes to the trucking industry, safety and permits such as Oregon Permit are paramount. According to research, the industry has one of the highest numbers of accidents and fatalities every year in the United States.  The truck drivers long working hours often make them lethargic while driving, which is considered unsafe. To improve safety and compliance, truck drivers need to follow strict regulations on the road. One mistake can cause severe damage to the driver, other road users, and truck. But these can be averted by adhering religiously to safety regulations, making the road a better and safer place for the drivers and other people on the road. Read on as Global Multi Services takes us through how truck drivers Keep their Compliance, Safety, Accountability Low.  

Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspection

 One of the best ways to keep your Compliance, Safety, and Accountability low is by performing pre-trip and post-trip inspections. Inspect every truck part to ensures it is in good condition. It is essential to use tools that document inspection accuracy. Drivers are the most vital asset in the trucking industry. Therefore, they must rest and be healthy before driving. According to the Department of Transportation, many truck accidents happen due to inclement weather. Hence drivers need to check the weather condition to stay safe. 

Avoid Distracted Driving 

 According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, distraction while driving is one of the major causes of accidents for truck drivers. These occur when drivers take their eyes off the road or their hands off the steering wheel. Distractions can be caused by eating or chit-chatting, staring at a billboard or group of people, and many more. But the most common form of distracted driving is using the cellphone while driving. 

Obtain Oregon Permit and Other Documents

 Motor carriers must obtain all mandatory permits and license to stay in compliance. Each state also has laid down regulations and permits required to travel through them. Violating those regulations can lead to hefty fines and penalties. For example, the state of Oregon requires trucking companies to obtain their Oregon Truck Permit to operate commercially in Oregon. Obtaining the Oregon PUC Permit can sometimes be tedious that can cause delays in business. But with the help of Global Multi-Services, you will get your Oregon Permits within a short time and without stress. 

Avoid Safety Hazard

 Truck drivers must be proactive to safety hazards and their environment. These include looking out for sharp objects, animals, potholes, and other vehicles on the road. During bad weather, drivers can stop driving until the view is clear if they can’t see clearly. They should also ensure their windshield and lighting system are working perfectly. 

Have Proper Rest and Break 

 Truck drivers are mandatory to take break and rest when they feel sleepy or impaired while driving. These ensure they don’t doze off while driving and also help regain their strength. Trucking companies should encourage their drivers to prioritize their safety and the safety of others by taking out time, especially, at night to rest well.  


A variety of permits and licenses such as the Oregon permits, apply to trucking companies operating interstate. Starting a trucking business in the US is more than just having the perfect location for your trucking office and the best-equipped truck. You need to keep track of the numerous government requirements that are often complicated and takes time. Therefore, if you are planning to start a reputable trucking business, you should obtain the authority to operate legally as an interstate trucking company through a reliable permit specialist. With the constant incorporation of trucking companies, Global Multi Services put together the importance of using a trucking permit company. Let’s dive in.

Prevents Delay in business schedule with your Oregon permits

Trucking services is a day-to-day operation, and any delay can lead to disruption in delivery time and consequent activities. Time is an important virtue in business and any bridge of agreement with your customers can cause mistrust. One of the ways to avoid this bizarre situation is by working with a trucking permit company. They ensure your permit are up to date and process other licenses faster and error-error.

Easy OreGon permits Completion

The setback in processing permits for trucking companies is the difficulty of compiling all necessary documents. But it cannot be escaped because the documents are important for completing the process. New trucking companies often face worse situations but, this can be eradicated through the help of a trucking permit company. They know all the license processing and are best at it. With then handling your paperwork, you can rest assured you are in good hands, and getting your Oregon Truck Permit won’t be a problem.

Avoid Complicated Process

If you are new to the trucking industry, you may be in for unpleasant surprises. Every state has regulations regarding weight limits, permits registration, weight per axle limits, many more. These regulations are often difficult to come by. Using a trucking permit company will help navigate the complex regulations of every state and help you obtain the permits suitable for your company. You don’t have to go through hectic registration processes. Let them solve all the problems for you.

Effortless Oregon PUC Permit Approval

Complying with the regulations of the trucking industry takes time and effort. With the trucking permit company working in your stead, you will receive your Oregon permits and license in no time without any complication or stress. They have the experience and expertise to take care of all the paperwork and permit needs. Hiring them is no doubt very beneficial.

Saves Times and Money

Meeting deadlines is paramount in every business. While the services of trucking permit companies are not free, it is better than wasting money on fines and penalties from non-compliance to the regulations governing the trucking industry. The money that goes down the drain can be circumvented by hiring a trucking permit company to get your permit done. They are experts and ensures you have all the necessary permits and licenses.


Safety is one of the most important focuses when it comes to the trucking industry. Research has shown that many accidents that occur could be prevented by following simple safety precautions. As truck drivers, there are certain rules and regulations you need to adhere to every day to ensure your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road. Driving a truck is not an easy task, not to mention making a long trip. It takes discipline, commitment, and passion to be a good driver therefore, it is always good to follow the laid down rules to avoid possible disruption. Read on as Global Multi Services, a company that helps truckers obtain permits such as Oregon PUC Permit and also process Oregon Filing takes us through truck safety tips to keep you safe during transportation.

Check Your Brakes

The brake system is one of the most important components of the truck. It is the heart of the truck and without it the truck is useless. The brakes are also subjected to a lot of wear and tear therefore, improper inspection is often required.

Wear A SeatBelt

According to the survey, one out of six truck drivers does not wear a seat belt while driving. Wearing a seat belt regularly is one of the simplest safety measures you can take. Some drivers believe wearing a seat belt won’t make a difference in their safety when driving at a low speed. But wearing a seat belt is not just about the speed, it is also about out-of-control circumstances that can risk your safety.

Seatbelts make a huge difference by reducing the risk of injuries in any type of accident no matter the speed. It also saves lives in major accidents, therefore, wearing your seatbelt should be the first thing you do when you get into your truck.

Avoid Drinking

Driving for a long time can sometimes be stressful and boring, and you might want to grab some beer but you have to remember that your safety comes first. Taking alcohol can lead to inebriation and also put your life and the life of other people on the road at risk. Therefore avoid consuming any type of alcohol before and when you are driving.

Take All Document

Make sure you have all the documents that are required for your motor carrier including your permits such as Oregon PUC Permit, license, insurance, and other documents required for operating as a commercial motor carrier. Many truck drivers might forget this because they already have many shipping documents to worry about but it is also very important. Without the documents, you might not be able to enter some states.

For example, you can not travel through Oregon without obtaining an Oregon Permit, and failure to obtain it is a serious offense that can lead to a hefty penalty. At Global Multi-Services, we understand the importance of the Oregon Permit, that is why we help trucking companies to obtain it within a short time. Our team of experts will also help you process your Oregon Filing faster and post-haste.