
VIN Verification /


You’ve probably heard about VIN Verification if you own a trucking company, or you are a truck driver. Although VIN provides important information about a motor carrier, many people might not be sure of what the acronyms stand for or when they needed to be used. Read on as Global Multi services provide clarity of what VIN is, the information you can get from it, and how to use it.

What Is VIN?

Vehicle Identification Number is a unique code assigned to every motor vehicle by its manufacturer. It serves as the vehicle’s fingerprint and lasts for a lifetime. The VIN consists of 17 characters made up of numbers and letters without intervening spaces except for letters Q, I, and O. The letters are omitted to avoid confusion with the numerals 0 and 1. The VIN characters of Motor vehicles manufactured before 1981 are fewer than seventeen. This is because a consistent unified VIN system was standardized in 1981 by the United States Department of Transportation. Each section of the VIN character reveals specific information about the vehicle. These include model year, serial number, country of origin, engine size, sequence of design, factory of manufacture, and many more.

Why is VIN Important?

The Vehicle Identification Number provides vehicle history reports. This means it gives you a well-detailed breakdown of everything you need to know about the vehicle from the day it was manufactured to date. If your purchase an old vehicle, the vehicle VIN gives you past owners history, and other important information such as accident and maintenance report, compliance, safety, current liens, and many more.

VIN can also be used to gather important information about a vehicle before purchasing it especially the ones that are not disclosed by the seller. By using VIN, you may find information about the part of the vehicle that has been changed, and its accident history. This saves buyers from purchasing a vehicle that can cause problems in the future. It is also important to keep the vehicle VIN record away from the vehicle to somewhere safer. This is because the vehicle can be stolen or completely damaged due to an accident.

What Is VIN Verification?

VIN Verification is the physical inspection of a vehicle’s unique identification number and other details about the vehicle. The process is carried out by the Department of Motor Vehicles of every state to ensure the vehicle details match the one they have in their database. The inspector checks the vehicle’s VIN, type, emission labels, license plate number, and federal certification. They also check other details such as color, fuel type, model year, odometer, number of axles, configuration, VIN location, and many more.

Why Is VIN Verification Conducted?

  • To know if the vehicles are registered on the state Department of Motor Vehicles database.
  • To verify and add out-of-state vehicles.
  • To add old vehicles to the updated data.
  • To correct any wrong information about the vehicles

Who Need VIN Verification

  • Vehicles imported from another country.
  • Old vehicles are not in the DMV database.
  • Vehicles that undergo major body type changes
  • Vehicles with paperwork error
  • Vehicles that have lien issues
  • Vehicles with odometer issues