
Trucking /


Staying healthy and sharp on the road as a truck driver is paramount. Their health is the key to the overall success of the trip. Even the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes the importance of the health of truck drivers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are also working hard to help improve awareness so that drivers can improve their overall health.

Truck driving requires many hours of sitting and driving, possessing health issues for many truck drivers. Therefore, their health welfare is paramount to the trucking company and their customers. It is the key to the overall success of your trip. An unfit driver cannot work or get paid. Therefore, overcoming the obstacles to maintaining good health is essential.

In this blog, Global Multi Services will discuss some easy-to-follow tips to help you stay focused when on the road. We suggest picking one method at a time and implementing it into your schedule until you feel you could tackle another one. Be proud of your health accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem, and do not compare your progress with anyone else. You are unique, so set the bar for YOU. That said, here are ways to stay healthy while driving.


Staying hydrated is crucial for regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, and keeping organs functioning properly. Soda will not provide you with any significant health benefits on the road. Water is affordable and can be purchased anywhere. So, ensure you always have enough water on the road.

Many health issues arise from dehydration. The body only gives signals when in a state of dehydration. Ideally, try to sip water every time rather than just drinking when you are thirsty. Also, drink the best quality water you can find. Furthermore, keeping a drinking container in the truck helps you stay hydrated throughout the day.


Exercise is effective and increases human energy levels. Exercising in the morning before starting your day gets the endorphins flowing. It also improves memory, relieves depression, and has positive mental effects. Exercise even if you don’t feel like it. Exercise enables drivers to be alert and productive throughout the day. But many truck drivers fail to make exercise a part of their daily routine. They claim they are too busy and tired to work out. Fortunately, with determination and creativity, you can find ways to exercise while out on the road. Walking or jogging around the truck stop is very helpful. Keeping exercise equipment in the truck like dumbbells, kettlebells, or weights can also help. These allow you to engage in exercise effectively. Additionally, take advantage of opportunities to exercise as many truck stops have fitness centers.


The use of stimulants among truck drivers was once widespread. These include caffeine, energy drink, and many more. These stimulants often give immediate energy and alertness you need but will cause some severe health issues sooner or later when used heavily. These drinks only give your mind and body short-term artificial boosts of energy and alertness. Therefore, it is best to avoid them. Remember, fueling your body with stimulants when you need rest is detrimental to your overall well-being.


A healthy diet is mandatory for truck drivers who intend to be focused while driving. An unhealthy diet is detrimental to brain function. So, get in the habit of selecting healthy foods. Consume whole grains and choose foods low in saturated fat and glycemic. These include fresh fruits, brown rice, quinoa, steel-cut oats, bread made with whole wheat flour, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables improve overall health because they contain great vitamins and minerals. It also helps in food digestion, weight loss, better sleep, and boosts your immune system. Eating junk food from the nearest fast-food restaurant or truck stop can seem fast and convenient. But they plug up your arteries and put your health in danger.

If your truck has refrigeration units, you can prepare some healthy meals at home to eat on the road. These will help you eat healthier and save money by not purchasing overpriced junk food.


Improving your mental health is the ability to know when you are struggling with your vision. Static visual acuity is essential to drive safely on the road and avoid accidents. And the ability to see moving objects well is paramount for a truck driver. According to research, your vision is reduced by more than 25% at about 65 miles per hour. So, you must be approximately 12 feet closer to a sign to read it for every extra six miles per hour. These can reduce your reaction time. Therefore, it is crucial to get your eyes examined regularly. Also, recognizing the warning signs will make you seek help faster.


Maintaining an ideal weight can be challenging for truck drivers because of their transient lifestyle, but it is achievable. Lack of decent food and stress can all lead to carrying around more pounds than you need. Keeping the correct weight for your body type, height, bone structure, and body composition is vital. Hence, know the proper weight and stick as close to it as possible.


Staying awake and alert on the road requires sufficient sleep, and feeling sleepy while driving is dangerous. Drivers with insufficient sleep can be too tired to do their job correctly and safely. Lack of sleep can also result in irritability and impatience, making drivers less tolerant of other drivers on the road. These can make them unable to concentrate on tasks such as logbook entries, route planning, etc.

According to reports, sleep deprivation is a prominent cause of truck-related accidents. It also compromises the physical health of the driver. Also, driving in inclement weather or heavy traffic requires extra alert to keep yourself and others on the road safe. And getting enough sleep can result in a lack of focus.

Therefore, get sufficient sleep every night with a regular bedtime and rising times. Proper rest regenerates the body and helps keep the mind sharp. Relax and destress before bedtime because stress can cause trouble sleeping. Also, find things you can do to empty your brain and block out the world. Furthermore, get out of the truck for breaks at least a few times to avoid what the old-time truckers called ‘white line fever.


According to research, smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease and death. Tobacco is the main risk factor leading cause of death in cancer, heart disease, stroke, and lung disease patient. So, it is advisable to quit smoking. Avoid alcohol since it can trigger the urge to smoke. Also, remove cigarettes and ashtrays from your vehicle and home.


Avoiding distractions help truck drivers focus when driving. Unfortunately, many things can take your attention. These include phones, music, outside scenery, and many more. Therefore, it is advisable to silence your phone while driving to avoid being distracted by texts or phone calls. Turning your music off or keeping it at a lower volume also help minimize any disruptions while driving in metropolitan areas.


Being a truck driver does not have to take a tremendous toll on you mentally and physically. Incorporating this health into your daily routine tips will help you improve your mental health. It will also increase your chances of enjoying your time on the road.


Running a trucking company can be rewarding, but it is not for everyone. People come into this industry with unrealistic expectations to be successful in months. Forgetting there are certain precautions and practices you need to adhere to attain success.

According to reports, more than 500 trucking companies went under in 2019. This trend is said to be caused by unfavorable conditions for new companies in the trucking industry. But the failure of established firms has pointed to other causes.

Trucking companies face risks day in and day out, especially if they are new to the landscape of operation. But these are avoidable with proper planning and having the right help in your corner. Therefore, knowing the common reasons other trucking companies fail can help you prevent being one of them.

In this blog, Global Multi Services gives you a hand-up on the industry by covering why trucking companies continue to fail.


Starting a business is rewarding and life-changing. However, a proper business plan is imperative to its success. Every trucking company needs a firm foundation to build strategies and techniques to operate efficiently. Running a trucking business is the same as running other businesses. But the industry has many state and federal regulations with a unique client base.

Failing to factor them into your business plan may haunt your business later. Therefore, you need thorough research and a plan to build a good foundation. Having a business plan also helps you brace for any possible contingencies. Hence, take time to create your business blueprint and, if possible, involve a corporate attorney. Understand your client base, know the market, and calculate weight surcharges.


Sales activities take place outside the business premises for trucking companies. Therefore, a managerial effort is required to keep track of all the drivers on the road. They also ensure the freight arrives on time and in perfect condition. So, employ a management team to keep track of money flow, bills, operations, and more.

Managers are one of the most important aspects of a business operation, and unskilled managers scare off good employees, making them leave. Therefore, your management team must have qualifications and experience. That way, you will be surrounded by a knowledgeable team with a nodding acquaintance with business success.


Starting a trucking business without considering your cash flow is one of the biggest mistakes business owners make. The cash-flow issue is a combination of many factors. These include low-paying freight, high costs of operations, too many unpaid invoices, etc. Also, clients often take up to two months to pay their invoices, and the trucking company has to cover the costs with its money. To ensure business operations go on, the company needs to foot utility bills, pay employees, build inventory, pay suppliers, get more clients, and cover tax expenses. So, lay out strategies to manage your cash flow with the help of a business management service.


Staying compliant is paramount for trucking companies operating across the United States. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration encourages safe driving and ensures they follow the required regulations. These include obtaining permits, licenses, DOT Compliance, maintenance, etc. Also, every state has its requirements depending on freight, truck weight, and the distance traveled. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to fines, penalties, license revocation, or shutdown.


The trucking industry is competitive, and you can only be successful with a comprehensive business plan while identifying and exploiting available market gaps. Do thorough research and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Stick to your plans and learn from your predecessors to be successful.


The trucking industry is experiencing a severe shortage, and it is growing worse over time. More than 50% of trucking companies are also having trouble hiring truckers. These imply they have trucks sit for days, increasing costs and impacting the company revenue. Truck drivers move about 70% of raw materials and products used throughout the United States. With driver shortage rising, prices are increasing, and fewer goods are delivered. These could skyrocket inflation if not addressed.

Age restrictions and schooling issues top the list for driver shortages across the country. The federal law prevents drivers below 21years from hauling freight across state lines, even though 49 states allow younger drivers to get a commercial driver’s license. Also, according to reports, the average new truck driving student is well into their 30s. These show they are often on their second, third, or even fourth career path.

Another obstacle is the requirement for truck drivers to pass pre-employment, drug screenings, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Drug screening has deemed more than 70,000 drivers ineligible, but just 12,000 have completed the process to return to duty. The inflation and job loss caused by the pandemic have also made many drivers consider other careers.


Trucking companies need to stay efficient and deliver goods on time despite the truck driver shortage. But these can be challenging without a resilient logistics operation. A lack of drivers can also affect the company’s success, especially with international shipments. Here are a few practices trucking companies can implement to focus on controllable issues and help reduce shortages and inflation.


Providing a good working environment attracts new drivers. It also makes it easier to foster partnerships and build relationships within the company. Paying for training, schooling, and giving drivers tools for safe and efficient driving help attract new drivers. It also demonstrates foresight and concern for them.


Trucking companies and recruiters should increase pay and sign-on bonuses to combat driver shortages. Paying drivers a little more or being more flexible with time on and time off eliminate potential operational interruptions. Issues like bad road conditions and traffic in metro areas reduce drivers’ income when paid per mile. Therefore, it is advisable to pay fuel economy, safety bonuses, and labor fees for drivers who unload their freight. Other ideas include offering a comprehensive benefits package and tuition reimbursement. Additionally, implementing flexible shipping rates that pay drivers by the hour.


Trucking companies should widen their pool of potential applicants by employing under-represented demographics. These include military veterans, women, and younger drivers. According to reports, less than 7% of United States truck drivers are female. Therefore, creating more awareness and promoting women drivers will increase recruitment.


The minimum federal age for driving trucks across state lines is 21. These make it challenging to hire young drivers and eliminate eligible workers. Lowering the minimum age opens more positions for interested drivers between 18 and 20years.

Trucking companies can also attract new drivers by paying for their training and the cost of getting their CDL. Offering a program that trains them to meet the criteria for interstate transport and building more truck driving schools with campuses across the United States attracts more truck drivers.


Truck driver shortage affects freight movement, and drivers are needed to handle current and future capacity. And one of the best ways to keep up with demand is by reducing driver’s retention time. Truck drivers are often delayed and forced to wait for freight when shipments are not ready. These increase drivers’ frustration and reduce their pay. Innovation and driver management help schedule the pickup/unload times and reduce detention time. These improve operations and save time and money.


Fleets can minimize the downside of driving for many hours and avoiding traffic by implementing shorter routes. Decreasing the time drivers spend on the road makes their lifestyle more appealing to new drivers. For example, A driver can take a trailer to a drop-off point, and another driver picks it up and takes it to the final destination or another drop-off. Adding more drop-off points for shorter routes makes drivers get home every day.


According to the US Federal Highway Administration reports, 80% of truck drivers claim finding where to park is problematic. The lack of adequate parking infrastructure makes truckers park in prohibited areas and pay fines. Safe parking spots are unquestionably necessary for protecting truck drivers and preventing threats to their security and cargo.

The government should provide databases for booking safe and secure parking spaces convenient for truckers, transportation companies, and facilities. Every truck should have a delivery route and a designated place to park. These create safer working conditions for truck drivers.


New drivers, especially Millennials and Gen Z, are hesitant to become truck drivers because it is challenging to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Truck drivers are often away from family and friends for weeks or months. These need to change, and the best option would be to develop fleet technologies.


The technology isn’t limited to passenger cars anymore. Self-driving trucks are starting to take over and could help relieve current drivers and make it easier for companies to meet their delivery deadlines without pushing their drivers too hard. The trucking industry is exploring the most cutting-edge technology for improving trucking. Tesla announced its fully autonomous self-driving freight truck in 2017. Elon Musk also announced in 2021 that these trucks would be the first Tesla vehicles to have Level 4 automation, meaning they would be able to pilot themselves without the need for human intervention.