

Transporting freight from one place to another is not an easy job, and there are many regulations to follow. You also need to obtain permits and keep them current to travel intrastate, interstate, and international. The process is often stressful, but Global Multi Services can help you secure all the necessary permits.

Here is a guide to operating legally in the United States.


  • Oregon permits
  • Motor carrier permits
  • UCR permits
  • New Mexico permits
  • Kentucky permits
  • Canada permits


Oregon is one of the states with permission to charge road tax. They issue Oregon Permit to commercial drivers operating within and through the state. Also, the tax rate depends on the weight of the vehicles. To register for an Oregon permit, you must provide some documents. The documents include USDOT Number, VIN, Vehicle Information, date of travel, driver full legal name, route, and others.

The easiest way to obtain your Oregon permits is through Global Multi services. You won’t have to wait for a lengthy application or profuse paperwork. We will file it stress-free and error-free.


Motor Carrier permit indicates the registration of your carrier identification number with the Department of Motor Vehicles. It also proves you met all the requirements to operate commercially across the United States. The permit is given by the Department of Motor Vehicles of the Motor Carrier Services. It also contains information like Name, Mailing address, permit, and expiration date. Let Global Multi-Services take care of the information and documents required by the Department of Motor Vehicles to register your trucking company. We are what you need, and we got you covered.


Trucking companies involved in interstate commerce must obtain UCR permits and pay an annual fee to travel interstate and internationally. These fees are paid according to the size of their fleet and renewed yearly. To register, they must have USDOT and MC Numbers. Failure to obtain adherence can lead to truck detention by the officials and penalty fees depending on your base state.

UCR Registration is done online through their official website in your base state. A registration fee is charged after completing the registration. Trucking companies whose base state does not participate in the UCR program can apply for UCR Permit in their neighboring participating states.


Trucking companies in New Mexico must pay taxes at the end of each quarter and register for New Mexico Permit. These taxes are charged based on the vehicle’s weight and distance traveled. The state also provides temporary permits for trucking companies traveling across the state for commercial purposes. It is obtained at the port of entry and is valid for 72 hours.


Commercial vehicles operating interstate or intrastate with a gross weight of 60,000 pounds must register, obtain Kentucky Permits and pay tax quarterly. The tax is paid according to miles travel and mileage tax rate. Trucking companies traveling across the Kentucky highway must also obtain a temporary permit to avoid penalties. With Global Multi-Services, you do not have to worry about your filing. We will get it done without wasting your time.


Trucking companies in the United States traveling across Canada must register and obtain a Canada Permit to operate legally. The permit provides access to new markets, routes, and freight compared to your competitors in the industry. At Global Multi-Services, we know expanding your business is your goal. That is why we provide trucking permit solutions to make your dream come true.


Permits are crucial to staying compliant with the trucking industry regulations. But it takes months to complete if it is a complicated move across multiple states. That is why many companies turn to specialists to handle permitting tasks. Companies like Global Multi Services can handle its securement swiftly and at an affordable price.


Global Multi Services ensure you stay legal on the road by maintaining and managing your entire permit list. We will establish a new registration account, obtain permits, and renew existing registrations within 24 hours. We make the process smoother, ensure compliance, and save time. Contact us today for all your trucking permit needs.


Are you planning to start a trucking business and wondering if it will be successful or not? The trucking industry is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the US. It is also a lucrative business that generates great revenue. This means it has a promising future however, things might go south if you do not understand what it takes to run a profitable trucking business. Global Multi Services is here to make your first step easier by helping you with all the processing. We will tell you the types of permits such as the Kentucky KYU Permit you need to operate legally in the state.

Additionally, we can help you process your Kentucky Filing to relieve you of all the stress. Read on as Global Multi Services takes you through tips on how to run a successful trucking business in Kentucky.

Find A Good Location

The location of your office plays an important role in the success of your business. Your office should be located in a place where there is adequate parking space for both your working and customers. The location should also be easily accessible and traffic-free. This will help your drivers avoid traffic jams and late deliveries.

Buy Quality Truck

The trucks are your moving force and the life of the business. If you do not have a reliable and good truck to transport your customers freight, your business reputation will go downhill. Although used trucks are cheap, they can not be relied on. New trucks are more reliable, last longer, and have a warranty. Being sure your truck will not stop in the middle of anywhere because of defects helps you focus on other things.

Hire The Best Truck Driver

Truck drivers are the backbone of your business and they represent your business in front of your customers. Their action outside the office is a reflection of your company’s safety rating. Starting your trucking business with the best truck drivers in the US improves your business and also boosts customer satisfaction. They obey the government road regulations and drive respectfully. Find the best driver if you want to run a successful trucking business.

Get The Right Permit

You need to do all mandated registration and get permits such as Kentucky KYU Permit, IFTA Permit, IRP Plate, and others to operate legally as a commercial trucking company in Kentucky.  Failure to process your Kentucky Filing and other legal paperwork will lead to hefty penalties which can affect your business. At Global Multi Services, our team of professionals will help you process your Kentucky KYU Permit and Kentucky Filing hassle-free.

Follow The Rules And Regulations

Following the rules and regulations connected to your trucking company will keep you in business for a long time. It is important to know the ones you need to follow and the ones mandatory for your drivers.  You can also add those rules and regulations to your hiring policy. This will help you hire drivers with great driving records and are willing to follow the rules and regulations.


The Kentucky Permit is a one-time permit obtained by commercial vehicles that do not travel through the state regularly. The state requires commercial vehicles to obtain a permit if they travel through Kentucky and has a gross weight of 60,000 or more.

Obtaining the KYU number proofs you have registered with the state and a highway tax form will be sent to you quarterly. This tax form must be filled and returned on or before the due date. You can obtain your Kentucky Permit without stress by contacting Global Multi Services. With our years of experience in helping commercial vehicles file their paperwork, we ensure your Kentucky Filing is done on time.

What Is KYU Number?

The Kentucky KYU Number is a weight distance tax license issued by the state and calculated based on the miles traveled by commercial vehicles through Kentucky. After obtaining your KYU number, you must file your KYU tax quarterly. The KYU Filing should not exceed the due date if you want to want to keep your authorization active.

A trucking company based in Kentucky and operates one or more qualified motor vehicles in any other IFTA jurisdiction must file for the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) in Kentucky. Motor carriers will only be issued the Kentucky Intrastate Tax License if they do not operate outside Kentucky,

You are not required to display the truck KYU number on your vehicle. This is because the  truck’s KYU Number is linked with its USDOT number

KYU Number Requirements

Here are the requirements you need to meet before you can get KYC number

  • You must register as an interstate carrier through your USDOT Number
  • Your Motor Carrier number must be active if you are operating as an interstate commercial vehicle
  • Full information of your commercial vehicle including the plate number.
  • Your transportation company must have Unified Carrier Registration and it must be for the current year.

Kentucky KYU Permit Application

The Kentucky KYU Permit is granted within seven to fifteen business days after completing your Kentucky Trucking Application Form online. An assurance letter with your new tax license number on it will be mailed to you if you are granted the permit. If you have issues processing the online application form, you can print the form, fill it and mail it to the office of the Kentucky Trucking Application Office.

For your Kentucky Filing, you must have a KYU account to file your tax electronically. You can make your payment online with a credit card and other means. After completing your filing, you can print a copy for record.

Penalty For Late Filing

The quarterly tax is due on the last day of each quarter and it must be done even if the date falls on a holiday or weekend. Failure to file your quarterly tax report can lead to the cancellation of your KYU license. If your KYU license is revoked, you will pay a Failure to File Fee, interest, and a Post a Bond to reinstate your license.