

What makes a trucking company successful in the United States? The trucking industry can be an exceptional opportunity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit who desire to run a trucking company. But the industry is competitive and requires obtaining many licenses and permit such as UCR Permit, MC Authority, and others.

Your success also depends on doing what satisfies your clients. These include handling and delivering freight in perfect condition, innovation, on-time delivery, safety practices, state-of-the-art technology, and many more.

Freight mishandling, breaching agreements, or delays can lead to poor performance and customer dissatisfaction.  Whether your company is a start-up, established, or growing, here are crucial things that will increase your chances to succeed in the trucking industry.


Building customer trust is one of the best ways to stay ahead of your competitors in the trucking industry. Reliability and building trust means keeping a promise and satisfying your customers. Many new trucking companies often bid a low price to attract more customers but fail to meet their needs. Some do not have the resources, and others do not consider every factor before accepting and signing proposals. These result in unfulfilled delivery, unhappy client, and a bad reputation.


Trucking companies need to be aware of the rules and regulations guiding the trucking industry at the federal and state levels. They must obtain interstate operating authority to operate outside their base state, United States Department of Transportation Number, and comply with the federal and state fuel use tax and vehicle licensing.  There are also specific rules and regulations for hauling different kinds of freight in every state. So, trucking companies must obtain all the necessary operating authority to stay compliant.


Late deliveries can be very problematic for many clients. Not having the smallest component on hand can freeze an entire production or marketing line. Therefore, trucking companies must commit to on-time deliveries. The right equipment to comply with freight hauling must be available before accepting to haul the freight. These allow trucking companies to have loyal customers who stick with them always.


The UCR Permit is a federally-mandated program for trucking companies traveling interstate and international lines. Trucking companies must complete their Unified Carrier Registration and pay an annual fee in their base state according to the total number of vehicles in their fleet. Trucking companies also need IRP, IFTA, Motor Carrier Permit to operate interstate. Let Global Multi Services help you obtain your UCR Permit and other trucking permits to stay in compliance in the trucking industry.


The safety of freight and truck drivers is the most crucial element in the trucking industry.  Reliability and on-time deliveries are often unachievable when these are compromised. Poorly maintained equipment and improper operation of trucks can have disastrous results on customer satisfaction. Sudden breakdown, injuries, and damage caused by negligence can permanently affect the company’s reputation. Therefore, tracking your safety records and drivers’ performance continuously can minimize the potential for an accident.


According to the American Trucking Association reports, the trucking industry is experiencing an increase in driver shortage. The costs associated with obtaining your MC Authority, finding and hiring new drivers are also very high. Hence, retaining your truck drivers can save you thousands and faster delivery. It will also create a better environment for your employees. Your drivers need to feel happy enough with you to stick around for a long time.

They also need to be provided a safe and state-of-art truck to retain them. Do you want to cut costs and maintain a healthy work environment for your drivers? Focusing on driver retention is your best bet. Not sure how to retain truck drivers? Global Multi Services explain ways you can make your company more attractive to employees and retain drivers longer.

Appreciate Your Drivers

Acknowledging, appreciating, and rewarding your divers is one of the best retention policies. Drivers who feel appreciated are more likely to stick around. Build a sense of community and mentor-ship program for your drivers. These help them learn ways to manage stress and everyday life as a trucker. According to psychologists, appreciation releases happy hormones in the human body. So don’t be afraid to appreciate your drivers. They also motivate them to perform better.

Invest In The Latest Equipment

Inadequate trucks and poor maintenance are another reason truckers leave their fleets.  Old machinery can increase breakdowns, accidents, unscheduled downtime, and late delivery. It can also put drivers and other road users in danger. Investing in good equipment will improve day-to-day life on the road, keep drivers safe, and save time.

Provide Employers Support

Building a retention strategy that supports your employers is key to driver retention. Providing support through unbiased regulations, financial planning, wellness programs, and time off when needed.

A vital part of providing employer support is knowing what your drivers need and asking for feedback to understand the issues they experience. These help you identify what can lead to disengagement and provide a willingness to listen to drivers’ concerns can have a positive impact.

Obtain Your MC Authority

MC Authority is the authority motor carriers obtain from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to transport goods on public roads. MC Number Registration indicates they have met all the requirements to carry out commercial operations. Getting your Motor Carrier Authority saves your drivers from facing issues with the authorities

Provide Quality Home Time

Truck drivers spend long hours on the road away from home that can sometimes be lonely and frustrating. These make them crave more time with friends and family when they get married or have children. Therefore, it is crucial to help drivers achieve a work-life balance. Understanding the importance of home time and life outside of work impacts driver retention. It is also critical to respect drivers’ time-off requests and driver preferences when building weekly schedules.

Utilize New Technology

Implementing new technology often improves drivers’ productivity. Using technology that prioritizes life on the road and optimizes shipment can increase employee engagement and retention. They also improve monitoring and create entertainment and better working conditions while driving.


It takes more than knowing how to choose the best routes, on-time delivery, obtaining your IRP Plates, and others to run a successful trucking business. Running a profitable trucking company requires saving more by cutting down your expenses. You need to manage your resources and use them right, control your operational cost while fulfilling deliveries with utmost efficiency.

Managing a trucking business is not an easy task with lots of competition and rising fuel prices. Customers can also be inconsistent with their orders and payment schedules which can affect your turnover. Nevertheless, we do not want a lack of cash flow to stop you from achieving your goals. That is why Global Multi Services put together some cost-saving tips that can help you boost your profits and make your business thrive in the ever-changing world of trucking.


According to reports, trucking companies spend more on fuel than on any other area of expenses. That means most companies could significantly reduce costs by enhancing fuel efficiency. There are many steps you can take to make these happen. Ensure your drivers understand the value of efficiency by maintaining proper tire pressure, acceleration rates, and many more.

You can also collaborate with companies that offer fuel cards to give you discounts and other benefits at truck stops nationwide. But you need to consider the coverage, savings, and how beneficial; it is for your trucking company before signing up for the program.


Saving cost in your trucking business involves registering your company and getting necessary business licenses and permits. Obtaining your IRP Plates and other permits help avoid stopping your truck by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration officials. It helps stay in compliance with the trucking industry regulation and avoid penalties and fines.

You do not have to worry about delays and pullovers. Additionally, running a cost-saving trucking business need proper structure. These allow you to mitigate some risks of unexpected losses and business advantages.


According to the US Department of Energy, idling a heavy truck consumes fuel and increases engine wear even though the vehicle isn’t moving. It is one of the most wasteful yet overlooked habits of many drivers that need to be addressed. Being pulled over to make a quick drop-off or taking a momentary roadside break does not warrant idling.

Trucking companies need to educate their truck drivers about the effect of idling on fuel. But idling can sometimes be impossible to avoid. These include when a truck is stuck in traffic or stopped at an intersection. Nevertheless, there is no reason for a driver to leave a truck idling for no reason.


Trucks drivers often have exclusive routes to specific delivery locations. But in some cases, alternate routes may be shorter with lesser delay. So, trucking companies can reduce their cost by planning the most efficient route for each delivery. Checking the weather condition, traffic jams, construction delays, shortcuts, bridges, truck parking, and road limitations will help; make a smooth trip. Thanks to routing software and other apps, drivers now have access to shorter routes, saving fuel and time.