

UCR Permit: Things Trucking Companies Must Do To Attain Success

December 14, 2021 by admin0UCR PermitsUCR Renewals

What makes a trucking company successful in the United States? The trucking industry can be an exceptional opportunity for those with an entrepreneurial spirit who desire to run a trucking company. But the industry is competitive and requires obtaining many licenses and permit such as UCR Permit, MC Authority, and others.

Your success also depends on doing what satisfies your clients. These include handling and delivering freight in perfect condition, innovation, on-time delivery, safety practices, state-of-the-art technology, and many more.

Freight mishandling, breaching agreements, or delays can lead to poor performance and customer dissatisfaction.  Whether your company is a start-up, established, or growing, here are crucial things that will increase your chances to succeed in the trucking industry.


Building customer trust is one of the best ways to stay ahead of your competitors in the trucking industry. Reliability and building trust means keeping a promise and satisfying your customers. Many new trucking companies often bid a low price to attract more customers but fail to meet their needs. Some do not have the resources, and others do not consider every factor before accepting and signing proposals. These result in unfulfilled delivery, unhappy client, and a bad reputation.


Trucking companies need to be aware of the rules and regulations guiding the trucking industry at the federal and state levels. They must obtain interstate operating authority to operate outside their base state, United States Department of Transportation Number, and comply with the federal and state fuel use tax and vehicle licensing.  There are also specific rules and regulations for hauling different kinds of freight in every state. So, trucking companies must obtain all the necessary operating authority to stay compliant.


Late deliveries can be very problematic for many clients. Not having the smallest component on hand can freeze an entire production or marketing line. Therefore, trucking companies must commit to on-time deliveries. The right equipment to comply with freight hauling must be available before accepting to haul the freight. These allow trucking companies to have loyal customers who stick with them always.


The UCR Permit is a federally-mandated program for trucking companies traveling interstate and international lines. Trucking companies must complete their Unified Carrier Registration and pay an annual fee in their base state according to the total number of vehicles in their fleet. Trucking companies also need IRP, IFTA, Motor Carrier Permit to operate interstate. Let Global Multi Services help you obtain your UCR Permit and other trucking permits to stay in compliance in the trucking industry.


The safety of freight and truck drivers is the most crucial element in the trucking industry.  Reliability and on-time deliveries are often unachievable when these are compromised. Poorly maintained equipment and improper operation of trucks can have disastrous results on customer satisfaction. Sudden breakdown, injuries, and damage caused by negligence can permanently affect the company’s reputation. Therefore, tracking your safety records and drivers’ performance continuously can minimize the potential for an accident.